We went to spend some time with Tom for the last two days at his home, Bystock Court. I've just got back and it's been two really long days so I'm just going to throw up some pictures of Bystock and a few words from them on what they do. The visit was deeply cockle-warming, an education in many ways, and spending so much time here made me realise what a nice home this is for Tom. Even though we were working hard, we had a laugh. Tom seems to have managed to reinvent his job so that he can spend an awful lot of time making cups of tea for everyone. Clever work brother...
'Bystock Court is currently registered with CQC as a home for 41 men and women (18+ years) with learning disabilities.'
'Our aim at Bystock Court is to provide a supportive, happy and secure home for all our residents where they will be encouraged and helped to develop their self-esteem, confidence, abilities and friendships at their own pace.'
'Bystock Court is a working community and each resident, or day care client, has a job to do. They work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, but have time off for shopping, swimming and other outings.'
'We offer a choice of work, which at present includes, farming, gardening, newspaper recycling, woodwork,cooking, laundry and housework, and a general craft workshop. A Work Unit Manager supervises each unit.'
'The purpose of all the work units is to provide an enjoyable occupation and real work experience for our residents. Each resident is encouraged to do as much as possible for themselves and are actively encouraged to learn new skills. They take great pride in their standard of work and the high quality of the finished product, all of which leads to increased self-esteem and personal dignity.'
I like to drive on the driveway. And we're counting cards. We're counting cards.
Are you taking any prescription medication?
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