Friday 15 July 2011

friday 15th July, literary salon, latitude festival, 545. you coming down?

Dongles ahoy! I'm sitting in the car going up the A12 to Latitude Festival, if this road is an artery there's a heart attacks ahead - probably mine if the traffic doesn't get budging.

Baby's first "Performer Campsite and Car park" sticker is already displayed proudly on the windscreen, like a 14 year old who doesn't take off their festival tags all year, if I didn't know what a modest and self-effacing person I was, I might think better I was showing off.

Latitude is a music festival with literary and arts bells on and an ideal place to do a test screening of the film. I'm also interviewing some authors in the Literary Arena and, cough, playing some music, cough, disc jokeying (yes i spelt that right) in the Sunday Times Style tent.

Not sure which makes me feel the more nervous, but showing a (special Latitude festival edit of the) film to people with no connection to it is definitely hairy. In the last few weeks we've shown the near finished product to Important People and had some useful and cheering response. I felt something close to elation when we got the clearance from the Metallica people who could have majorly obstructed our access to footage and music. There's an amazing story to be told there, but not today, while I am driving and typing and eating M&S carrot batons while trying to find the right exit off this road with a bad cold. Man, this road is BUNGED UP.

If you know anyone at Latitude, send them down. Tonight we're on 5.45 til 6.45 in the Literary Salon. I'll get some drinks in. It was my birthday yesterday so I am pining for hair of the dog. That is definitely not something I am doing while driving.

Thanks for listening. Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech. Crash

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